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Joe Hudson-Small

was the Green Party candidate for City and East constituency in the London Assembly elections (Constituencies). They received 29,073 votes.

profile photo of Joe Hudson-Small

Joe Hudson-Small's policies

Statement to voters

I live in Stratford, East London and work as an IT professional alongside being a committed activist for affordable housing and accessible public transport.

Full statement

People deserve a real choice in this election and the Green Party’s message is one of hope and optimism.

Climate change is one of many tough challenges we’re facing – but it’s not the only one. People are hurting – worsening inequality and the austerity agenda have been fuelling the cost of living crisis for years, and now a third of London’s children now live in poverty.

We need a new generation of political leaders who will stand up for what’s right – from investing in the future of our planet and in future generations by sharing out the wealth held at the top, to investing in peace in Gaza.

London's highest ever house prices demand an affordable housing revolution; soaring energy bills demand a clean energy revolution; and food prices, inflation, and corporate greed demand fair wages and an economy that’s centred on people.

The Green Party knows that these challenges are linked, and that Green policies will protect our planet, reverse decades of economic inequality, and invest in public services like our NHS to help people who need it most.

I’m standing in this election because the Green Party know there are solutions to these challenges, and together we can make our vision for a fairer Britain a reality.

I’m excited to have been chosen as the Green Party candidate for Stratford and Bow and look forward to hearing from residents in the community and to championing their concerns throughout the campaign.

This statement was last updated on June 16, 2024.

This statement was added by Joe Hudson-Small, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Joe Hudson-Small online


London Green Party

Joe Hudson-Small is a London Green Party candidate.

Party Homepage
London Green Party's website
Youtube page
London Green Party's Youtube profile

Joe Hudson-Small's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Stratford and Bow: UK Parliamentary general election Green Party 7,511 votes (not elected) 2nd / 10 candidates
2024 City and East: London Assembly elections (Constituencies) Green Party 29,073 votes (not elected) 3rd / 7 candidates
2023 Boleyn: London Borough of Newham by-election Green Party 572 votes (not elected) 3rd / 6 candidates
2022 Green Street East: London Borough of Newham Green Party 400 votes (not elected) 8th / 10 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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