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Olli Watkins

Olli Watkins was a Green Party candidate in Pontefract South in the Wakefield local election. They received 304 votes.

profile photo of Olli Watkins

Olli Watkins's policies

Statement to voters

I’ve lived in the Wakefield district since 2021, after moving from Mirfield.

Full statement

I’ve moved around a lot, but my family have always had strong roots in West Yorkshire, and especially in Pontefract, Castleford, and the surrounding villages. I work as a stock controller at a food and wine importer, and I do a fair bit of volunteering in my free time, including for Wakefield LitFest. Coming from a working-class family, it was my experiences with social inequality that drew me to the Green Party. That’s why I’m standing as the Green Party candidate for Pontefract, Castleford and Knottingley– to give you the chance to vote for fairer politics.

This statement was last updated on June 4, 2024.

This statement was added by Olli Watkins, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Olli Watkins online

Wakefield Green Party

Olli Watkins's local party is the Wakefield Green Party.

Party Homepage
Wakefield Green Party's website
Wakefield Green Party's email
Contact page
Wakefield Green Party's contact page
Youtube page
Wakefield Green Party's Youtube profile

Olli Watkins's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Pontefract, Castleford and Knottingley: UK Parliamentary general election Green Party 1,651 votes (not elected) 4th / 6 candidates
2024 Pontefract South: Wakefield local election Green Party 304 votes (not elected) 3rd / 3 candidates
2023 Pontefract South: Wakefield local election Green Party 164 votes (not elected) 3rd / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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